Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sharing from Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah

Salam and good morning! I got this from FB off of Dr Fadzilah Kamsah's page. It is very interesting and I feel that everyone should read it too.

"As salamu'alaikum shbt tersayang. Ramai yg mohon tip kaedah didik anak menjadi soleh. Org alim sering berpesan: Anak2 yg nakal atau degil semasa kecil, akan menjadi org dewasa yg bijaksana. So tukar paradigma kita ttg anak kita itu. Fikir & kata2 ibubapa/ guru adalah DOA YG MAKBUL. Nabi juga berpesan: Allah bertindak seperti mana yg di fikirkan oleh hambaNya. 

Di antara perkara yg kita boleh lakukan utk bantu anak2 menjadi insan yg soleh:

1. Sentiasa berdoa utk mendapat anak yg soleh. Doa itu senjata terpenting org yg beriman.

2. Didik anak ttg solat & ibadah yg lain sejak kecil. Setelah beri ingatan & amaran, wajar rotan anak yg tak solat di umur 10 thn. Ramai ibubapa yg rotan anak atas berbagai kesalahan, tapi tak sampai 10% ibubapa yg rotan anak sbb tak solat!!!

3. Biasakan anak mengamalkan sunnah2 harian-- mkn & minum, amalan di bilik air, amalan berpakaian, tertib belajar, pergaulan, tertib tidur, dll

4. Pastikan anak2 makan mlm sebelum maghrib spt yg Nabi saw sarankan supaya mudah belajar waktu mlm. Mkn malam lepas maghrib buat anak mudah letih & mengantuk bila belajar. Makanan hadam sekitar 1- 1 1/2 jam selepas makan. So anak boleh belajar dgn berkesan & fokus jika belajar 11/2 jam selepas mkn mlm. Pastikan anak kurang makan daging merah, banyakkan daging putih spt ayam & ikan. Daging merah buat anak irritable & agresif. Pastikan mrk MAKAN BUAH2AN SBLM MAKAN NASI agar badan dpt serap Vit C yg ada dlm buah2an. Vit C membantu tenangkan fikiran anak di samping jaga kulit. Mkn buah selepas mkn nasi adalah amalan yg sia2 sbb badan tak dpt serap nutrien dlm buah2an bila perut dah kenyang!

5. Banyakkan memeluk & memuji anak2. Anak yg sering di peluk & di puji/ belai akan tenang, kurang degil, rasa selamat & di sayangi & tak perlu nak buat nakal utk tarik perhatian ibubapa.

6. Pesan kpd anak utk menghadap Qiblat semasa belajar/ mengaji. Ini akan tingkatkan keberkatan dlm belajar.

7. Beri anak supplemen yg dpt menguatkan minda, tenangkan fikiran & stabilkan emosi. Cuba dapatkan EXCEL SUPREME (tel 03-89255292) atau supplemen lain mengikut pilihan anda.

8. Cari peluang berjumpa guru2 anak di Sek tempat dia belajar. Minta nasihat & bimbingan ttg cara nak bantu anak belajar di rumah.

9. Bacakan di kepala anak: Fatehah, ayar qursi dan surah al Insyirah utk rangsang otak & memori anak dan jadikan dia anak yg tenang, baik akhlak, rajin ke sek & pintar. Bacakan waktu mlm masa anak nak belajar atau waktu anak nak pergi ke sek atau bila2 masa yg sempat.

10. Elakkan anak memakai pakaian berwarna merah atau orange. Ikut kajian, warna merah dan orange akan rangsang anak jadi agresif dan hyperaktif.

11. Suruh anak tidur mengiring kekanan agar otak jadi lebih pintar, puas tidur & ikut sunnah Nabi.

12. Pastikan rezki yg ibubapa terima benar2 berkat dgn mengelakkan perkara haram & syubahat & keluarkan zakat pendapatan & zakat emas perak jika berkenaan. Rezki yg kurang berkat juga jadi punca anak jadi agresif & extra nakal.

13. Kenali kwn2 anak & ziarah ke rumah mrk utk berkenalan dgn ibubapa kwn2 anak.

14. Doakan guru2, kwn2 anak & jiran kita agar cemerlang & soleh. In sya Allah akan di aminkan Malaikat & Malaikat akan doakan kita MENDAPAT APA YG KITA DOAKAN UTK ORG LAIN!

15. Anak tak ingat apa yg ibubapa tuturkan, tapi anak mudah ingat apa yg ibubapa pamerkan. Justeru, ibubapa wajib pamerkan amalan & peribadi yg Allah redha.

16. HARAMKAN SEMUA PERKATAAN NEGATIF (spt bodoh, jahat, degil, malas, bengong, goblok!) dlm rumahtangga. Kata2 ibubapa merupakan doa!

17. Padam semua kata2 negatif yg pernah di sebut kpd anak2 dgn memohon maaf & memuji anak dgn jelas. Cthnya: Abah minta maaf sbb kata kamu bodoh. Sebenarnya anak abah ni pandai-- cthnya: buat homework sblm abah suruh, solat sblm ibu berleter, layan adik dgn baik & tak herdik2. Ikut kajian psikologi: Satu pujian yg jelas akan MEMADAM 300 KUTUKAN YG LALU! Maha suci Allah SWT.

18. Ibubapa takkan mampu MENGUBAH ANAK2! Tapi bila ibubapa berubah, Allah akan ubah anak2. Justeru, ibubapa overhaul diri secara bersepadu agar Allah ubah anak2 jadi hebat & cemerlang.


20. Setelah melakukan yg terbaik mengikut kemampuan, KITA BERSERAH KPD ALLAH SWT.

21. Saya BERPESAN KPD DIRI SAYA & KPD SEMUA SHBT TERSYG UTK SAMA2 BERUSHA utk mendidik anak menjadi anak2 yg Allah redha. Aameen, Wassalam.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

NextVista, a good website to watch educational videos!

Hello dear students!

I just want to share with you a very interesting website which you can use when you are doing research for your projects and such.

Just head to:

You can find a lot of interesting videos there, and it is FREE! Also, some of the videos are amazingly made by.. students!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Topics for Year 10 Combined Science March Test 2014

Salam and Hello!

Here are the Topics for March Test, so do prepare early and do your revision. The test will consist of 50 marks, so make sure you score well. The questions will focus more on the two new topics which we just covered.

Good luck for your exams. More importantly, please do revise. :)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Topics Physics for March Monthly Test (UPDATE)

UPDATE: Since I am going to attend a workshop next week from Monday to Thursday, I will have to include Topics from Year 7 and 8. I apologize but it has to be done. Sooo start revising boys. 

As you already know, the March Monthly Test will be starting on the 31st of March 2014.
 The paper will consist of just one paper,
The topics which I have selected are

1.  Physical Quantities, Units and Measurement


1.1  Scalars and vectors
1.2 Measurement techniques
1.3  Units and symbols

Learning outcomes

Candidates should be able to:
(a)define the terms scalar and vector.
(b)determine the resultant of two vectors by a graphical method.
(c)  list the vectors and scalars from distance, displacement, length, speed, velocity, time, acceleration,
mass and force.
(d)  describe how to measure a variety of lengths with appropriate accuracy using tapes, rules, micrometers
and calipers using a vernier as necessary.
(e)describe how to measure a variety of time intervals using clocks and stopwatches.
(f) recognise and use the conventions and symbols contained in ‘Signs, Symbols and Systematics’,
Association for Science Education, 2000.

2. Kinematics


2.1  Speed, velocity and acceleration
2.2  Graphical analysis of motion
2.3 Free-fall

Learning outcomes

Candidates should be able to:
(a) state what is meant by speed and velocity.
(b) calculate average speed using distance travelled/time taken.
(c)  state what is meant by uniform acceleration and calculate the value of an acceleration using change in velocity/time taken.
(d) discuss non-uniform acceleration.
(e) *plot and *interpret speed-time and distance-time graphs.
(f) *recognise from the shape of a speed-time graph when a body is
   (1) at rest,
   (2)  moving with uniform speed,
   (3)  moving with uniform acceleration,
   (4)  moving with non-uniform acceleration.
(g)  calculate the area under a speed-time graph to determine the distance travelled for motion with uniform
speed or uniform acceleration.
(h)  state that the acceleration of free-fall for a body near to the Earth is constant and is approximately
10 m / s2.
(i)  describe qualitatively the motion of bodies with constant weight falling with and without air resistance (including reference to terminal velocity).

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Physics - Speed, Velocity and Acceleration

 This is a very good website for you to read up on on this topic.

Do go to this website here and watch this video. This is the exact video which I have shown you in class, just in case you missed it.

You can also download the exercise which we did today here.

This exercise will be due on Wednesday next week, 12th March 2014.

EDIT (last on 13/3/14):
Check out this website  for content that we will cover next lesson.
 Also, this is an amazing website to understand kinematics further. Do check it out! :)

Combined Science - Topic 20 Classwork

Here is the classwork which I gave to you guys this week. You can attempt these questions at home if you want to, but feel free to discuss your answers in class with your group members. I am very sure this is a very challenging exercise, but once you get the gist of it, you will breeze through Topic 19 AND 20.

If you are still stuck, then ask away. :)

Anyway, this classwork is to be handed in next week on Tuesday, 11th March 2014.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Combined Science - Feeling lost with the current topics?

At the moment, we are covering Topic 20 - The Chemistry of Acid, Bases and Salts. This is a chemistry topic. You can have a look at all of the topics we are going to cover here.

This topic is a continuation from Atomic Structure, Ionic and Covalent bonding and Chemical Formulae and Equations.

I have found a few video clips on youtube to guide you through these topics, just in case you have forgotten:

Atomic Structure -
Chemical Formulae and Equation
The Chemistry of Acid, Bases and Salts

These video clips are at most 5 minutes and some are about 15 minutes, so do take time to watch them in your free time.
Oh! and just for fun, EXPLOSIONS! and Sulfuric Acid reaction with sugar!

What did you think of these videos?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Slides on Topic 2 - Kinematics (Physics) and Topic 20 - Acid, Bases and Salts


For those of you who are eager to do some reading before the actual lessons, you can view the slides which I will be using here:

Physics Topic 2 - Kinematics
Combined Science Topic 20 - Chemistry of Acids, Bases and Salts

I will be updating these files to my liking, if needed. Thank you. :D

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Combined Science Topic 19 Calculating Mass (Extra)

To those who lost your sheet of paper, you can download the file here. Don't forget to hand this exercise in latest by Tuesday, 18/2/14. :D

EDIT: Since we were very busy with National Day practice, I have extended the dateline to  Tuesday, 4/3/2014, so make sure you hand your work by then.


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Physics Topic 2 - Kinematics


We are going to start on Topic 2 - Kinematics real soon, after we finish the last bit of Topic 1. 

So, what is Topic 2 about?
Kinematics is basically all about movements. If an object is moving, most likely we can calculate its speed and acceleration.

Want to get a head start? Then watch these video clips on youtube:
Youtube link 1
Youtube link 2
Youtube link 3

Enjoy your National Days practice :P

Reminder for deadline

Dear Combined Science boys,

I hope noone forgot to hand in your work. The final dateline for your Topic 19 exercises is next next week, 18th February 2014.  This includes:

  • Classwork pg 6
  • Classwork pg 8
  • Calculating Mass (Extra) homework
For Physics, all of your work should be handed in latest, on Monday, 17th February 2014.

If you have any questions, or do not understand some parts of our lesson, feel free to leave a comment/question here. :D

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Having problems listening to your teachers in class?

I came across this article and decided to share it with you guys. I know some of you might have problems paying attention in class.  As a student, listening is a very important skill, hence you need to develop your listening skills to ensure the efficiency of your learning experience during our lessons. 

The strategy talked about in the article is known as the HEAR strategy.

The HEAR strategy consists of these four steps:
  • Halt: Stop whatever else you are doing, end your internal dialogue on other thoughts, and free your mind to pay attention to the person speaking.
  • Engage: Focus on the speaker. We suggest a physical component, such as turning your head slightly so that your right ear is toward the speaker as a reminder to be engaged solely in listening.
  • Anticipate: By looking forward to what the speaker has to say, you are acknowledging that you will likely learn something new and interesting, which will enhance your attention.
  • Replay: Think about what the speaker is saying. Analyze and paraphrase it in your mind or in discussion with the speaker and other classmates. Replaying the information will aid in understanding and remembering what you have learned.
 You can read the article here.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Combined Science Topic 19 - Chemical Formulae and Equation and Physics Topic 1 - Physical Quantities, Units and Measurements

These are the notes for this topic. So feel free to download them through this link:

[Combined Science] Topic 19 - Chemical Formulae and Equation
[Combined Science] Calculation of Mass Exercise
[Combined Science] Periodic Table

Thanks to Cg. Lim Ming Han, I now have the notes for Physics. I've edited his notes abit (just changed the font), but thats about it. You 9Sci2-ers can download it through:
[Physics] Topic 1

Extra info on vector addition :

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Selamat Datang kali ah

Hello! This is where I will be sharing our content with you. For starters, I will provide the syllabus for you. It might be a good idea for you to read through the syllabus as to get an idea on how the subject is going to look like. 

 For Physics (Year 9ScII boys): [Link
For Combined Science (Year 10 boys): [Link

 Let's all work together to aim for success, or failure. It's totally up to you.

Ask yourself, are you a quitter? Or a winner?