Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Slides on Topic 2 - Kinematics (Physics) and Topic 20 - Acid, Bases and Salts


For those of you who are eager to do some reading before the actual lessons, you can view the slides which I will be using here:

Physics Topic 2 - Kinematics
Combined Science Topic 20 - Chemistry of Acids, Bases and Salts

I will be updating these files to my liking, if needed. Thank you. :D

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Combined Science Topic 19 Calculating Mass (Extra)

To those who lost your sheet of paper, you can download the file here. Don't forget to hand this exercise in latest by Tuesday, 18/2/14. :D

EDIT: Since we were very busy with National Day practice, I have extended the dateline to  Tuesday, 4/3/2014, so make sure you hand your work by then.


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Physics Topic 2 - Kinematics


We are going to start on Topic 2 - Kinematics real soon, after we finish the last bit of Topic 1. 

So, what is Topic 2 about?
Kinematics is basically all about movements. If an object is moving, most likely we can calculate its speed and acceleration.

Want to get a head start? Then watch these video clips on youtube:
Youtube link 1
Youtube link 2
Youtube link 3

Enjoy your National Days practice :P

Reminder for deadline

Dear Combined Science boys,

I hope noone forgot to hand in your work. The final dateline for your Topic 19 exercises is next next week, 18th February 2014.  This includes:

  • Classwork pg 6
  • Classwork pg 8
  • Calculating Mass (Extra) homework
For Physics, all of your work should be handed in latest, on Monday, 17th February 2014.

If you have any questions, or do not understand some parts of our lesson, feel free to leave a comment/question here. :D